Social Good

A large part of our work for Angel Soft was trying to make a real difference in families’ lives. This is a small collection of that work.

To celebrate his first Father's Day in America, we gave this selfless father the thing he wanted most.

Huffington Post, The Drum, Campaign, Adweek/AgencySpy, Campaigns of the World

Everybody knows about International Pizza Day, Donut Day and every other “A Brand Made Something Up To Own A Twitter Hashtag” Day. But nobody really knows about Single Parent's Day. We wanted to change that, starting with surprising some very deserving single parents.

Fun background on this work: we had a budget of $120,000 to create a film. But we decided to forgo the usual production of production, and instead record our interviews over Skype so we could use the extra $100k to give these parents life-changing gifts. (Gifts they had no idea were coming because we pretended we were conducting market research. Classic deceptive advertisers.)

If you filled the big “Mom Shoes” in someone’s life, you deserve to be celebrated on Mother’s Day. (Even if you aren’t technically a mother.) Unfortunately, Hallmark doesn’t have a ton of options for the aforementioned. So we made our own.