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Ashley Milhollin is an award-winning, award-losing, award-judging Creative Director with experience across a wide range of clients and categories–from Target and Taco Bell to tuna and toilet paper. (And a lot of others that don’t quite fit in the above sentence as alliteratively.)

Fun fact: Ashley finds it supremely weird to write about herself in third person.

Oh hey!
I’m Ashley but most people just call me Mil. (As in Milhollin.)

I’m a creative director and copywriter by day. And night. And some weekends. That is to say I'm not afraid to roll up my sleeves, burn the midnight oil, wear many hats or use idioms in my bio. Can’t help it. I love to write.

…except passwords. I mean, I’d probably use something stupid simple and not creative at all like “password” for anything password protected on my site.

At its best, I believe advertising can (and often does) have a tangible, positive role in this world. And at the barest of minimums, we have a responsibility to make ads as “not horrible” as possible.

Personally, I believe “brevity soul wit” (best Simpsons joke ever), E.E. Cummings had the right idea about how to put words on a page, you can’t eye-roll your way out of depression, the decision for companies to leave some social platforms maybe isn’t a bad thing and that I am rapidly approaching talking about myself entirely too much.

Let’s talk about creative ideas, esoteric 90s cartoons or sunscreen recommendations instead.